Cutting Edge Academy

We’re Empowering, Equipping, Raising
Christian Leaders.

We are passionate in the personal growth for the impact of the local church !

About Us

Cutting Edge Academy adalah program pembelajaran dan pelatihan yang memiliki tujuan untuk meluncurkan pemimpin – pemimpin Kristen yang berakar dalam Firman Tuhan dan mampu melayani secara relevan dan strategis dalam gereja lokal.

Our Goal

Empowering Leaders to Impact The World, For The Cause of Christ through The Local Church.

The Courses

10 Full Courses Throughout The Year.

  • Old Testament Survey: 4-8 Sept
  • New Testament Survey: 2-6 Oct
  • Basic Doctrine: 6-10 Nov
  • Church Leadership and Communication: 4-8 Dec
  • Church Counseling + Marriage and Family: 8-12 Jan
  • Hermeneutic and Homiletic: 4-8 Mar*
  • Doctrine and History of the Church: 15-19 Apr*
  • Covenants + Discipleship Dynamic: 13-17 May*
  • Sunday Service and Worship Dynamic: 3-7 June*
  • Mission and Marketplace Ministry: Mid July*

*dates my vary according to national public holiday 2024

The Teachers

Our Teachers.

Cutting Edge Academy diperlengkapi dengan teachers yang sudah berpangalaman dan qualified dalam bidang atau topik yang diajarkan.

In Class Experience

In Class Experience

Sedikit gambaran tentang pengalaman belajar di Cutting Edge Academy.


2023 / 2024 Roadmap.

2 September 2023

Academy Orientation & Graduation

4th-8th SEPTEMBER 2023

Old Testament Survey

2nd-6th OCTOBER 2023

New Testament Survey

6th - 10th NOVEMBER 2023

Basic Doctrine

4th-8th DECEMBER 2023

Church Leadership and Communication

8th-12rd JANUARY 2024

Church Counseling + Marriage and Family

*4th-8th MARCH 2024

Hermeneutic and Homiletic

*15th-19th APRIL 2024

Doctrine and History of the Church

*13th-17th MAY 2024

Covenants + Discipleship Dynamic

*3rd-7th JUNE 2024

Sunday Service and Worship Dynamic

*JULY 2024

Mission and Marketplace Ministry

*dates my vary according to national public holiday 2024


Let's Grow Together.

WA +62 898-4001-333